Leatherback turtles in St Barth

Leatherback turtles in St Barth

Leatherback turtles, the largest of all sea turtles, are a fascinating presence in the waters around St. Barthélemy (St. Barths). These majestic creatures, known for their immense size and distinctive leathery shell, are a key part of the marine ecosystem and draw significant interest from both researchers and tourists. Physical Characteristics and Behavior Leatherback turtles…

Green Turtle in St Barth

Green Turtle in St Barth

The Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) is another important marine species found in the waters around St. Barthélemy (St. Barth). Known for their large size and herbivorous diet, green turtles are essential to the health of seagrass beds and marine ecosystems. Characteristics of Green Turtles: Habitat and Behavior: Conservation Status: Conservation Efforts in St. Barth: Viewing…

Hawksbill Turtles in St Barth

Hawksbill Turtles in St Barth

The Hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) is a critically endangered species found in the waters around St. Barthélemy (St. Barth). These turtles are known for their striking appearance and vital role in maintaining the health of coral reef ecosystems. Characteristics of Hawksbill Turtles: Habitat and Behavior: Conservation Status: Conservation Efforts in St. Barth: Viewing Hawksbill Turtles:…

Reef Sharks in St. Barth

Reef Sharks in St. Barth

Reef sharks are an important and fascinating part of the marine ecosystem in the waters around St. Barthélemy (St. Barth). These sharks play a crucial role in maintaining the health and balance of coral reefs. Species of Reef Sharks in St. Barth: Several species of reef sharks can be found in the waters surrounding St….

Groupers in St Barths

Groupers in St Barths

The waters around St. Barthélemy (St. Barths) are home to several species of groupers, each contributing to the vibrant marine ecosystem. Here are some of the notable types of groupers that can be found in the region: Nassau Grouper (Epinephelus striatus) Nassau groupers have a robust body with a distinctive color pattern that includes dark…

Bottlenose dolphins in St Barth

Bottlenose dolphins in St Barth

Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) are a well-known and beloved species found in the waters around St. Barthélemy (St. Barth). These intelligent and playful marine mammals are a highlight for many visitors and play an important role in the marine ecosystem. Characteristics of Bottlenose Dolphins: Ecological Role: Conservation and Protection: Viewing Bottlenose Dolphins: In summary, bottlenose…



Surgeonfish, belonging to the Acanthuridae family, are a common sight in the vibrant waters surrounding St. Barthélemy (St. Barths), an island nestled in the Caribbean Sea. Known for their striking appearance and unique biological features, surgeonfish play a crucial role in the marine ecosystem of this picturesque island. St. Barths, renowned for its clear turquoise…

Butterflyfish in St. Barth

Butterflyfish in St. Barth

Butterflyfish are another captivating group of reef fish found in the waters around St. Barthélemy (St. Barth). Known for their bright colors and intricate patterns, butterflyfish are a favorite among divers and snorkelers. Species of Butterflyfish in St. Barth: Several species of butterflyfish inhabit the reefs around St. Barth, including: Ecological Role: Conservation and Protection:…

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